The Rose Frequency

The Rose Frequency is available to us all if we merely seek to connect with her

Roses are the manifestation and embodiment of the purest unconditional love and we can incorporate her into our daily lives to emanate this love all around us

Did you know that Rose essential oil vibrates at a rate of 320 megahertz of electrical energy? In comparison, essential oil from lavender (one of the next highest frequency flowers) vibrates at a rate of 118 MHZ. A healthy human body usually vibrates between 62-79 MHz while we start to experience dis-ease within the body when our body is vibrating below 58MHz

EVERYTHING in this universe is frequency and vibration

Mother nature holds such immense gifts and medicines for us to attune to. She is assisting us with our integration and embodiment

As we continue to move through the Great Awakening it is imperative that we not only are creating space to integrate our shadow, but also to continuously align ourselves with the increasing frequency of the Earth herself 🦋

So lather your body in some Rose oil and connect deep into your heart and womb/hara. Draw forth the love of your own being and hold it like a beacon. Because this world surely needs it.

—Originally Written September 16th, 2020


White Rose Frequency


Desire & Longing