Desire & Longing
“At the root of every desire is a longing for union” ~tami lynn kent
Longing for union is driven from the desire to merge back with the safety of the womb in which we were held and fed. Our hunger for this nourishment and sustenance truly begins with the separation we felt in the womb, and even more so solidified through the birthing process as we entered into the world. Desire starts here. With this yearning for something that will nourish and sustain us. Often when we speak of desire most people think this means sexual desire, and it can, but there is also this primal desire that can be deeply felt & in its purest form it is for this nourishment. When there has been a deep disconnect within the body & within the energy of the womb space, there are disentangled energies that we have taken on from others or difficult experiences in life that have been hard to process & these have not been cleared from the womb...this can dampen desire.
If we look at this in terms of polarity. We can have no desire/dampened desire on one end, and then the other end we have addiction/craving. Where we have this insatiable hunger and desire that is not being met, that we can’t meet, this emptiness and felt sense of separation from source or the safety of the mother’s womb and we seek from outside of ourselves to fill this. There is a lot to untangle if we find ourselves on any side of this spectrum, but rest assured IT CAN BE DONE.
Where we hope to meet desire and longing most deeply is within our own being.
Through sensuality and being with the sensational orchestra of the present moment in our bodies. By providing the nourishment of our own loving awareness we merge back into the very depths of our own souls. This longing for union actualizes through the integration of self. Our own self love is the key
—Originally Written September 5th, 2020