Awakening The hara
“The Hara is the magnetic center of a man’s essence, this is the place within him where he holds his embodied intuition. Hara Awakening is a journey deep into the depths of self, where a man access’s his Divine Grail Template codes of integrity, honor, truth, and a commitment to love”
-Cherezade Aanya
The hara
Men house an energetic Womb within them. Often referred to as the Hara. The Hara is a man's center of Gravity, the center of his Vitality. And it is the Magnetic center of his Essence.
This is the place within him where he can access his innate intuition, this unshakeable 'gut' knowing. The journey into Awakening the Hara is a journey of Embodiment. Where a man accesses and anchors within him his Sacred Masculine Template codes of Integrity, Honor, Truth, Sacred Sexuality, and Devotion.
Awakening the Hara
It is within the Hara that he Awakens his true organic mission blueprint, aligning him in devotional service, that utilizes his will to something greater than himself that serves the collective and his community.
It is within the Hara that he comes into Sacred Union within himself. Embodying his Sacred Warrior merging with his Inner Lover. Bringing harmony and balance to both his inner masculine and inner feminine energetics.
sacred Sexuality
Hara Awakening encompasses a journey of Alchemizing Sexual Wounding and Transmuting Sexual Distortion.
He comes to know on a deeply embodied level how sacred his Lingam (Penis) is, and how his sexual energy is a healing balm for himself, his lover, and the Earth.

Healing the Feminine Wounding
A man's story begins within the Womb of his mother. All that existed within his mother's womb was absorbed and taken into the physical, energetic, and spiritual bodies of man. The way he entered into this world is often the energetic imprint of how he moves through the world. And the relationship his mother had to the masculine is often the very template that he relates to when it comes to his relationship with the feminine.
The awakening the Hara journey is one of coming to intimately relate to these core wounding’s and releasing on a multidimensional level the energetic imprints taken on in conception and during birth.
5 Week Program
Modules will be Accessible via an online portal, with 2x live Ceremony Calls (Replay Available), and a Whatsapp group for week to week sharing and support.
*Opening Ceremony Live Call*
Module 1: The Sacred Hara
What is the Hara? Hara Awakening? The significance of the Womb & Womb Consciousness in a man’s life.
Module 2: The Sacred Lingam
Healing sexual shame imprints and rewriting internalized patriarchal wounds.
Module 3: The Sacred Feminine Within
Pre-conception & birthing imprints. Mother wound & its relationship to wounding with the feminine (within & without).
Module 4: Sacred Sexuality
Semen Retention, Pornography & Sexual Distortion, Erotic Shadow & Erotic Innocence.
Module 5: Sacred Gateways of the Lingam & Hara
Intro to Hara & Lingam Energy Gateways.
*Closing Ceremony Call: Womb Protector Initiation
Sample of Course Content
Initiation as Womb Protector
As you journey into the depths of your Hara you will learn to harness your Hara Energy. You will come to alchemise shame imprints around the patriarchal wounding inherited through the greater culture at large. You will come to know your Lingam as the sacred wand of light that it is, and will alchemise sexual wounding and transmute sexual distortion, mastering your sexual energy and utilizing it for your spiritual evolution. You will heal the wounding you have with the feminine. starting with the relationship you have to your mother and any preconception imprints incurred during gestation and birth.
You will be initiated as the Womb Protector that you inherently are and come to embody your Sacred Divine Masculinity in a fully integrated way.
This is a lifelong journey one must commit to undertaking but this program is a doorway, a threshold, an initiation sanctioned by the Divine Mother and channeled through Initiated Womb Priestess Cherezade Aanya.
What Former Participants are saying…
This year has been one crazy year & the best year of my life I’ve been able to experience this year. It started with meeting the most amazing girl I ever met my girlfriend with a beautiful soul this February. She’s has guided me in the direction of Cherezade to do some Hara healing and working on my spirituality a bit more. This 5-week course I decided to take on has been more than life changing for me. I’ve been more in tuned with both my feminine/masculine energy as well being able to be more grounded and present in the moment. Being able to do some inner work, learning to drop my ego and open up my heart. I’ve been able to be freer and in rhythm to dancing, posing and just being myself. Has opened new gateways in multiple areas of my life. From having a supporting girlfriend with a healthy/ spiritual relationship to sexuality and being comfortable in my own skin to people I attract in my life to my workplace and even finances. My girl has even mentioned from our initial meet she has noticed a difference in our relationship and the loving/sensuality that has peaked through. Being able to give her more time devoted to her.
This work has paid off for me so much. I feel freer and more rejuvenated. It’s like a new me. That I’m still getting used to myself. I’m more confident in many of my abilities as well as manifestations. It’s taken me to a new level. I even work 3 jobs but just making the time at the end of the day to do something for yourself that I know would help heal me and better my overall lifestyle. Mind, body, & soul! I know that life is continuously progressing and there is never enough to learn. This kind of work I want to keep digging deeper and continue to embrace throughout this lifetime. I know this is just the beginning of so much more beauty to enter into my life. I’m ready to embrace and just being an open book to what next for me. I can’t thank Cherezade enough for being able to put together a group not only devoted to men but forming a brotherhood. Where we can share experiences and be open without being judged. We’re all going through the same battle, some of us are just at different stages in the battle. Thank you Cherezade for shining this light and changing my life. I greatly appreciate everything and how you’ve made an impact in my life.
Much love,
-Christian Diaz | Tampa, Florida-
Learning about the deep wounds of the masculine and being able to understand more about the relationship between how we view strength and power vulnerability and sensitivity in ourselves as men was my most important lesson I walk away with.
The men who showed up for not only themselves but for us all as a collective was empowering for me to feel seen and to provide sanctuary for my fellow divine masculine brothers.
Cherezade was such a beautiful facilitator and space holder. Not only did she allow us to have moments of individuality as men working through our wounds and process. She was highly attentive to us as a whole group and also individually.
Hara cleansing was a beautiful experience for me as a man who struggled significantly as a child to accept myself for who and what I am as a man who is as sensitive as he is powerful. I was misunderstood a lot growing up and that left me with many misconceptions of my masculinity. After clearing my Hara I was able to deeply appreciate myself and expose more wounds I had not realized were not healed yet. From there I have been spending more time meditating and learning myself more than ever before and it has been a blessing in so many ways.
Cherezade is a phenomenal facilitator I am thankful and blessed to have been able to participate in this beautiful and healing program.
Lingam Ceremony is one of the most important lessons that stands out for me and embracing my creative life energy in new ways and honoring myself in ways I hadn’t known before.
My life has truly undergone a complete rebirth since going through the course. Now moving forward in life I have implemented new behavior and perspectives in the ways I create connections with others and myself. Life has truly never been better for me I am truly blessed and thankful to have the life I live and blessed to see where life has yet to take me on this beautiful journey.
-Kainoa H. | Honolulu, HI-
Meet Your Facilitator
Cherezade Aanya
As a Former Mental Health Therapist studying the realms of Somatic Trauma Therapy and as an Initiated Magdalena Rose Womb Priestess, Cherezade combines both the Masculine and Feminine Dimensions of healing creating a truly Alchemical healing container.
As a multidimensional quantum healer, Cherezade’s gifts include oracular vision that allow her to clear and heal the Ancestral and Karmic DNA within the Womb/Hara.
She teaches Somatic Sensual Embodiment, Sacred Sexual Healing, facilitates Embodied Ascension and Womb & Hara Awakening through courses and workshops as well as facilitates 1:1 healing/clearing sessions and Womb/Hara Breathwork offered globally online and in person on the island of Oahu, Hawaii for all genders.