In it together
You can't do it alone. Neither can I. No one person can. When you look at it through the lense of you alone, the weight can seem insurmountable. However, knowing that I am not alone in envisioning a different world to live in, but that there are countless others who are doing their inner work to dismantle oppressive systems, decolonize our minds and way of being, healing their traumas, and are taking action to protect and take care of our earth mother, I see that this is a weight we bare together.
The more we awaken to our true nature we expand our beings to know that we are much more than what we have been told. I find countless others who see a world in which love is the anchor that unites us all. Through non violent communication and open grounded discussions, we are able to discuss opposing views while honoring the different lenses in which we see and feel the world.
Through finding the freedom within our own beings and healing the countless generations of trauma we have inherited through our lineages and culture, we can build a world that is much different than we see today.
We are protectors of the earth, stewards of harmony.
Together as we expand our consciousness and dedicate our lives to healing our own wounds and conditioning, we can come to a place of knowing, that we all can contribute to the shift and upliftment in humanity. These acts do not need to be grand, although there is a call at this time to take more direct action, some of us simply must set the intention to want to see a different world, and then look at the ways that our own personal unfoldment can contribute to this. We all have an impact on one another, and our personal evolution will impact those we have contact with on a day to day basis.
They then too will have been touched by the love and growth you hold.
We are all one. Beautiful in our diversities. Like neurons in the brain, we together ignite energy that impacts the rest of the system. We are a collective consciousness. As we continue to expand our consciousness individually, more and more of us will expand together. A critical mass, that will tip the scales of change.
—Originally Written August 23rd, 2019