Sacred Bleed

How does this image make you feel? What does it evoke?

When I first began my journey of clearing shame imprints and recommuning with my sacred bleed I held layers upon layers of shame, guilt, disgust, and contraction that would arise. I began to see clearly how much dissent I was holding in my womb and yoni towards my period.

For years I would have excruciating pain during my menses. My pre-menstrual time was full of intense waves of emotions that would drown me. Partners would feel at odds with this "stranger" that took over when I was menstruating. Through creating and shifting my relationship to my bleed, my cycles have drastically shifted, shortened, and lessened over time. I also have been able to ride those waves seeing that those waves were assisting me with potent release.

We all carry conditionings from society and our family of origins. There are ALOT of conceptions around menstrual blood and a bleeding person. No matter your gender. The ways in which we view and feel towards this natural state of life that is experienced by a vast amount of our population impacts us all.

Whether we are one who bleeds, or one who loves and supports those who do. It is an important part of the healing journey towards shifting our cultural narrative towards one that is integrated and aligned with the natural cycles of life.

For those of us who do bleed creating more space within our bodies and womb spaces for reverance and compassion instead of disgust and shame can drastically shift our bleeding experience into one that can support our natural cyclical nature. And for those of us who love those who bleed, holding a container of unconditional positive regard, support and nourishment can drastically deepen your intimacy and increase the love and support they feel from you

Originally Written September 30th, 2020


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