Mastering our Sexual Energy

Self-mastery requires discipline and self accountability. This happens when we ignite our inner masculine and exalt him into action. Communing with the deepest parts of ourselves and ushering each fragment, shadow and wound back into the loving presence of our own being is where we allow for the surrender of our inner feminine to hold the ache with loving embrace. The practice of Womb and Hara Awakening is one pathway that leads us into the deepest communion with our physical and energetic bodies, allowing for both our inner masculine and feminine to dance in harmony. Ushering forth harmony within, the true divine marriage.

As we master our sexual energy and drives we walk this earth in integrity and love not acting out from our wounds, unconscious projections or mishandled leaking energy in our field. We call back all parts of self, into a unified whole. And take radical responsibility for our lives and the ways in which we spend each precious moment on this earth. Aligning with the true force of our Kundalini. Igniting our true Power and Sovereignty. 𓋹




The Altar of my Womb