What is freedom when your body has been a storehouse of pain and repressed trauma? What is freedom when your heart has harbored immense betrayal?
*To release and let go.
*To welcome pleasure and all of life within your being.
*To allow and know on a visceral level that you are deserving of all that is good and sweet and kind and joyous.
*To feel the release and the ease within your being.
*To take a deep breath and unwind.
*To find your laughter again.
*To know all is sacred... again.
*To trust life...again.
*To feel deeply a forgiveness for self
*To release all shame, and welcome in the embodied knowing of innate innocence
*To reflect and hold yourself in a space of deep reverence for the depths felt and explored.
*Being so damn proud of yourself and loving yourself like no one else can for getting through another day, another darker period, knowing you continue to step into the fire time and time again only to be reborn anew.
This Taurus Full Moon has marked a significant shifting point ushering sweetness into my life after a period of immense darkness and traversing deep pains. The cycles of life surely do bring with it change, and this is the constant I can surely depend on. The sweet sensual open freedom that comes with releasing, after a period of immense feeling. To feel is to be free. But the first must come before the other. I find myself in the deepest gratitude for my being. Being alive and being here still. Choosing to continue show up to all of life. And the Universes blessings have been immense in return for this courage. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the sweet freedom I have found.
—Originally Written November 13th, 2019